On A Morning Walk …

Sometimes, a picture may speak more than a thousand words. This is probably why we are able to appreciate beauty through pictures, and not through words. And sometimes, we find something beautiful, something unusual along the way, and words cannot describe it.

On a morning walk, there are quite a few such places and things Hardy comes across. A short walk from his home is this beautiful temple, the Yan Kit Village Chinese Temple, the beauty and the peace emanating from the temple can only be seen through a picture.

1233497_10152730604565622_6658196482036015090_nA little distance down the road, and turning onto a side-street, one walks past rows of two-storied houses on both sides of the streets. These houses are often fronted by gardens, and theres some things you would see here. These fish, for instance.

10672339_10152648351715622_7031971295459610356_nThe other day, he saw this poor fellow hanging around.

10407395_10152462329010622_7122902975471960029_nWell, someone thought he would have been getting lonely, so they decided to give him company, and some music, maybe.

IMG_3636Of course, all under the watchful eye of our friend here.

10632732_10152588407200622_1481981902181786821_nOf course, tyres are for the road, but who says they need to be retyred? They can always be used to make a garden.

IMG_3639And if you are in the mood for football, but value your health, this probably isnt the right place for you.

10606499_10152642570210622_8273601965231012791_nThat one’s made of stone.

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